Air raid siren to sound on Armistice Day
As part of the Armistice Day commemorations on Wednesday, November 11th, at 11am, we will be sounding the air raid siren.
It’s an important part of the commemoration and for many years people have come to expect it to be sounded. But we are aware that it can cause distress or upset to some people.
We want to avoid this as much as possible so we are hoping you will be able to spread the word about this to anyone you know who may be affected so they can be prepared.
The siren is located at Wrexham County Borough Museum and can sometimes be heard within a 2.5 mile radius of the town centre.
Armistice Day service
Wales will no longer be in lockdown, but the battle with Coronavirus will not have gone away.
Wrexham Mayor- Cllr Rob Walsh as well our Armed Forces Champion Cllr David Griffiths have recorded video messages, and will be marking the occasion from home.
If you normally come into Wrexham especially for the service, please also remember from home.
However if you are in Wrexham at the time of service, we are encouraging you to pause, and mark the 2 minutes silence safely, observing social distancing.
Download the Covid-19 NHS app…and help keep Wrexham safe this autumn.
We are hoping to live stream the short, scaled back service so you can still be involved, whilst keeping Wrexham safe.
Armed Forces Champion Cllr David Griffiths, said: “Armistice Day is about remembrance, not attendance. Wrexham has a proud heritage of supporting the armed forces. This year we should choose to remember from home, by doing so, we’re also protecting the Maelor and the NHS.”
Ant Metcalfe, Wales Area Manager, The Royal British Legion said: “Whilst it is deeply disappointing that Remembrance events will be different this year, the public can all still play a part in ensuring Armistice Day is appropriately marked and the Royal British Legion are encouraging people to pause for the Two Minute Silence and participate in their own personal moment of Remembrance.”
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