There won’t be any changes to bin collections on bank holiday Monday, so if your collection day is Monday, please put your bins and recycling out as you usually would.
Check your bin day to stay up to date with your collections
Did you know you can check when your latest bin collections are simply by typing in your postcode or street?
Check your bin day is a great way to stay on top of your bin collections, and it can be particularly handy at times when you might see changes to your regular collection pattern, such as over the Christmas period.
You won’t need to sign in to check your bin day, and you can check for friends, family members and neighbours.
Another way you can stay up to date is by signing up to receive our bin reminder emails. If you do this, you’ll get an email to remind you to put your bins out the day before your collection is due. It’s a good way for us to let you know about any changes that affect you as well.
When are my bins collected? Check your bin day and sign up for reminders.