Over the last few months a number of local businesses and community groups around the borough of Wrexham have attended a dementia friends session to gain more awareness on what it is like to live with Dementia.
The sessions have also extended to school teachers, KS5 &KS6 Children and scout groups, with more sessions arranged in the future.
A number of our own departments have also undertaken a Dementia friends sessions and this has now been extended to the children’s department too. There are currently 19 Dementia Champions within the authority who are trained to provide Dementia friends sessions for free which only last an hour. If you want to find out more about these sessions get in touch with commissioning@wrexham.gov.uk .
There are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK and this number is expected to rise to 1 million by 2021.
It is crucial that we plan ahead and look at ways on how we can support this growing number of people and how to continue to raise awareness of what it is like to live with dementia and the impact this may have on carers.
“Dementia Tour Bus”
Dementia leaves people feeling confused, isolated, lost, intimidated and vulnerable. To know how this feels, we are very pleased to work with the Dementia Tour Bus team which gives people an opportunity to walk in the world of people living with dementia. We can then be better placed to change the environment and working practices to allow people with dementia to stay at home longer and improve care.
To date there has been approx. 900+ in Wrexham who have accessed the bus so far and the feedback has been tremendous –
- I now understand why my mother does the things she does now, I used to shout at her before
- This training should be mandatory for all to attend
- This has made me want to go on and do more training
- This will help me in my role
- Amazing, mind blowing I can change my nursing practice accordingly
- Extremely interesting and insightful, this training will stay with me for some time
The bus remains very popular and at yesterday’s Memory Walk which took place at Erddig it was once again booked up.
We will update you if the Dementia tour bus returns to Wrexham.
“In the communities”
In addition to the Dementia Tour Bus touring the county borough our libraries have also come on board and have hosted several Dementia Awareness training events. These are usually very well attended so watch out for one coming to your local library in the coming months.
Both Holt and Chirk have been identified as being a dementia friendly community and work is currently underway to work with local businesses within these areas.
“Small grants available”
There is also an opportunity to receive a small grant if you are considering setting up a community based activity group that will benefit those living with Dementia. It is called the Community Inclusion Grant and an application form can be requested from the Commissioning Team at any time during the year, however applications will only be considered by the Grant Panel which meets about four times per year.
E-mail: commissioning@wrexham.gov.uk
Telephone: 01978 292066
“Hats off to Apollo Taxis”
The latest venture for Dementia Awareness training staff has been into the commercial world as Apollo taxi drivers led the way and took on training. We’re hoping this was the first of many commercial operations who work direct with the public and are more likely to come into contact with those living with Dementia.
If you would like to get in touch to either receive Dementia Awareness training please contact – commissioning@wrexham.gov.uk or you may even be interested in entering the care industry to help care and support those living with Dementia please contact workforcedevelopment@wrexham.gov.uk
Cllr Joan Lowe, Lead Member for Health and Adult Social Care, said: “We are working hard with other organisations to gradually raise awareness of what it is like living with Dementia. It is very difficult for everyone involved but the more we know the better we can be prepared to help, advise and support. I would like to thank everyone for their huge efforts over the past few months and I know their commitment will continue into the future.”
Looking back, we have come a long way with raising awareness about Dementia and we hope this work will continue into the future in order to make us all aware of what it is like to live with Dementia.
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