The Inspectors who carried out the Examination in Public of our Local Development Plan (LDP) last year have now shared their post hearing thoughts, expressing concern about only two aspects of the LDP: housing and Gypsy and Traveller sites.
They do not raise concerns about other aspects of the Plan, such as the strategy, settlement hierarchy, employment, retail, affordable housing, transport, minerals or environmental policies. They require the Council to submit a statement to address specific queries and requests for information and will hold further hearings in February and March.
We are now working to respond to the concerns raised and will submit further factual evidence before hearings in March or April.
Lawrence Isted, Chief Officer Planning and Regulatory, said: “It is not uncommon for such letters to be issued by Inspectors during an Examination in Public allowing us to respond to it and undertake further work before adoption of the LDP. We have had clarification from the Inspectors and are now preparing our response by the due date of January 31. We will continue to cooperate fully with the Inspectors to ensure the LDP can be taken forward to adoption”
“Next steps for the LDP”
The Inspectors have set out the next steps in taking the Plan forward:
- They require us to submit a statement by 31 January 2020 answering a series of questions and providing additional information under various topic headings
- giving objectors/representors until 16 February to respond to our statement
- arranging 3 further public hearings – confirmed as:
- 25 February (Council Chamber)
- 11 March (Memorial Hall)
- 12 March (Catrin Finch Centre)
The inspectors have yet to confirm the topics that will be discussed at, or the agendas for, these hearings, as this will depend on our statement and the objectors/respondent/s further submissions.
It is at the end of these next steps that the inspectors will determine whether we are in a position to take the plan forward to the next stage.
The Inspectors’ letter/note and our letter have been translated and placed on the our LDP web page. This will keep objectors/representors and the wider public informed of the Inspectors’ thoughts and intentions. Information on the Council’s statement and the further hearings will be publicised via our Local Development Plan website at:
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