Wrexham County Borough Council and Arriva Bus Wales have confirmed that recently announced new bus services during evenings and Sundays will commence operating from Sunday 3rd December 2023.
The funding to introduce additional bus services was approved by the council’s Executive Board to help boost public transport for local residents, and stimulate the local bus market.
Councillor David A Bithell, Deputy Leader and Lead Member with responsibility for Strategic Transport commented: “The launch of the additional bus services are perfectly timed in the build up to the festive period when many people will be visiting the city centre for Christmas shopping and attending social events.
“This also coincides with the start of Wales Climate Week 2023, and by switching even just one journey to public transport, we can all play our part in reducing carbon emissions and tackling climate change.
“The focus will be on evening services which will help support local communities and year 1 of our investment in public transport.”

Councillor Bithell continued: “Wrexham Council and Arriva Bus Wales are committed to maintaining bus services and wherever possible increasing them across the county borough at a time when many local authorities are looking at reducing their own transport spending commitments.
“To demonstrate the partnership that we have, I am pleased to announce that during the month of December, single fares on all Arriva bus services in the Wrexham local authority area Monday-Saturday after 1900hrs and all day Sunday will be offered at £1.”
Adam Marshall, Head of Commercial, Arriva Bus Wales said: “We are very pleased to be able to work in partnership with Wrexham Council to introduce additional evening and Sunday journeys to our Wrexham network.
“The council’s increase in funding support is welcome and shows their commitment to improving bus services.
“Whilst passenger numbers continue to increase after Covid, patronage is still below previous levels and this enhancement to the network is going to be key in delivering additional growth. At the same time as we launch the new services, we will also be revising most timetables in the Wrexham area to improve punctuality. The new timetables can be found on our website.
“Access to affordable local bus services is a key to encouraging people to have a mix of travel options available to them. As well as a range of ticket options across our network for daily, weekly or monthly travel, I would like to draw customers aged between 16-21yrs to the MyTravelpass ticket.
“This scheme allows customers to receive a discount of 30% against an adult ticket by obtaining a ‘My Travel Pass’ card. My travel pass tickets can now be purchased on our website and app.”
Further detail can be found at https://mytravelpass.gov.wales
Services are scheduled to start 3rd December 2023 subject to approval from the Traffic Commissioner, services have been registered by Arriva and are awaiting approval.