That’s what our Executive Board will be looking at in May when it will be given details about the year’s underspends and overspends throughout our various departments.
In his report to members, Cllr Mark Pritchard, Leader of the Council, details each departments’ spending for the year, how it dealt with various pressures and the year end situation.
Overall the budget comes in with a £490k underspend the majority of which will be put into next year’s Winter Maintenance Reserve and the Capital Reserve.
The report recently went to one of our Scrutiny Committees and overall councillors were pleased with the results given the challenging financial times that we are in at present. Cllr Pritchard presented the report and thanked officers and Lead Members who have all worked tirelessly to bring in a balanced budget.
All departments will begin with a £0 balance going into 2019/20 and the spending will, once again, be carefully monitored, to ensure a balanced position at the end of the year.
£63 million has already been cut from our budget since austerity measures began and we will be expected to cut a further £18 million over the next two years.
You can take a look at the report here.
The meeting will start at 10am on May 14 and will be webcast on our website so you can watch the proceedings live… just follow this link