A leading councillor has raised his concerns at Transport for Wales’ (TfW) plans to change the Traws Cymru T3 bus service that will result in the withdrawal of buses serving Ruabon rail station and the Maelor Hospital.
Cllr David A Bithell, Deputy Leader and member for Strategic Transport has now written to the Development Director for Mid, North and Rural Wales to raise his concerns that will have a detrimental impact on passengers travelling in the Wrexham area.
He particularly notes the lack of consultation with users of the service or the Council yet they have already publicised the change in service.
In his letter he said, “I am particularly concerned that neither Welsh Government or Transport for Wales have undertaken any prior consultation or engagement to seek comments and feedback from the local communities or with Wrexham County Borough Council, prior to publicising the change of bus service provision.
“I am at a loss to understand the logic of removing the Traws Cymru bus service provision from Ruabon rail station and the Maelor Hospital, when the ongoing aspirational future network development centres on providing wider travel opportunities around key transport hubs and areas of significant importance.
Maelor Hospital provides significant employment opportunities
“You will agree that the Maelor Hospital provides significant employment opportunities and healthcare provision, with residents and staff from beyond Wrexham County Borough using public transport to access this key location.”
Cllr Bithell added that since writing his letter he has heard back from TfW who are looking at the points and concerns raised.

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