If you or someone you know is being bullied, there is help, advice and support available. You might be afraid to speak out, but with the right guidance from qualified counsellors you may eventually feel confident enough to talk about the situation and take steps to report and name the bullies.
Help available
Did you know that there is a counsellor based in every secondary school (as well as eight primary schools) in Wrexham for one or two days per week? They are there for anyone who feels they’re ready to talk about a bullying issue or want support, and will be able to listen and help with any advice for steps going forward.
Most schools also have bullying boxes. These boxes will enable people to anonymously raise concerns about bullying and report instances of bullying.
A teenager from Wrexham (who wants to remain anonymous), said: “I was being bullied for being different. I liked different music, I dressed differently and I wore glasses and braces. I was called names, some were even personal about my family and things I had confided in friends about my life. I was having arguments at home because all I ever wanted to do was stay in my room; I became withdrawn, didn’t go out and stayed away from my friends.
My attendance in school dropped and I was referred to the school counsellor. I was nervous, but she made me feel welcome. We just talked and the more comfortable I felt I began to open up and tell her what was going on. Everything was in confidence so I felt safe. Eventually after time, I decided to report the bullying to the school. I had support from my counsellor and form teacher and other members of staff. I was given options as to what could be done and how things would be addressed. Things are better than they were and I am looking forward to what the future holds”
Advice for Parents
If your child is being bullied it is important that they keep a diary or you keep one on their behalf and that if an initial phone call or visit to the school doesn’t resolve the problem, you put the concerns in writing. Sample letters can be found in the anti-bullying guidance for parents document
Parents/guardians can help schools to tackle bullying by talking to their child about bullying and the impact that it can have on victims.
Cllr Andrew Atkinson, Lead Member for People – Youth Services and Anti-poverty, said: “Bullying is a serious issue and we want people to know that there is help available if they need it. When victims feel they are ready to talk, there is help for them in schools and in the INFO shop in Wrexham. We want to ensure that all victims of bullying are kept safe and that the appropriate support is given to them as well as dealing with the bullies themselves.”
What is bullying?
Bullying is making someone else feel scared, worthless, lonely, guilty or upset – regardless of whether they’ve done anything to provoke it. It usually takes place over and over again.
It can happen at home, on the computer (cyberbullying), on mobile phones, in school, at uni and even in the workplace.
Know your rights
By law, all schools must have a behaviour policy and procedure that covers bullying. Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act (2006) documents that every school must have measures to encourage good behaviour and prevent all forms of bullying among pupils.
Local Support
If you don’t feel you are being listened to or taken seriously, you can always ask for an advocate who will help you express your wishes and feelings. Second Voice Advocacy service is independent to the school and can help you express your wishes and feelings in meetings. You can contact Second Voice by yourself, through a parent or a teacher in school.
For more information about bullying and Young Wrexham visit the website
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