Latest Biz & education news
School meals when children return to school
School meals will be provided when children return to school next week…
Some useful safety guidance for pubs, bars, restaurants and cafés
Here's a useful checklist for pubs, bars, restaurants and cafés, on the…
Introducing our two newest market traders in Tŷ Pawb
A huge welcome to two brand new businesses who have recently opened…
GCSE 2020 Results in Wrexham
Cllr Phil Wynn, Lead Member for Education, said: “I am very proud…
AS and A Level Results 2020 – Regional Press Release
The six education portfolio holders representing the 6 North Wales Local Authorities,…
Press Statement from the Federation of North Wales Secondary School Head Teachers
AS and A Level results We cannot over-state how disappointed, confused and…
News for Businesses in Wrexham (13.08.20)
Here's all the latest for businesses in Wrexham. Further details of the…
North Wales responds to A-Level results
The six education portfolio holders representing the 6 North Wales Local Authorities,…
Have you planned your night out?
Lots of pubs in the town centre and rural areas will be…
Free Parking in the town centre until end of September
There's free parking in all council run car parks in the town…