Wrexham Library service now has five libraries operating an order and collect system.
You can order books, including audio books, from Wrexham, Brynteg, Chirk, Gwersyllt and Rhos libraries. You will only be able to return, order and collect stock from these libraries for now.
They will do their best to get the books you want to you as quickly as they can.
When your books are ready, we will contact you to arrange an appointment for you to come and collect them. You can return books at the same appointment if you are collecting books.
Order and Collect Service books will be automatically renewed
If you only want to return books, you will need to contact us by email or telephone to arrange an appointment. All books you currently have on loan and any you borrow via Order and Collect Service will be automatically renewed so you do not need to worry about returning them on time and you will not incur any fines. For contact details and to use the order form visit www.wrexham.gov.uk/libraries.
The safety of our staff and customers is our priority and we are following Welsh Government guidance on how to handle library books. All books returned to the library will be quarantined for 72 hours.
All staff are really looking forward to seeing you again!
How to get a test if you’ve got Coronavirus Symptoms.