Over 150 local businesses attended the recent Mersey Dee Alliance business breakfast and heard from small and medium size enterprises about their experiences and successes.
There were presentations from numerous businesses and exhibition spaces where businesses could showcase themselves and network with others.
The event was kindly sponsored by Net World Sports.
Cllr Nigel Williams, Lead Member for Economy and Regeneration, said, “This was a fantastic event well attended by around 150 businesses from the Wrexham and surrounding areas of the MDA.
“These type of events are invaluable for businesses and organisations to come together to collaborate and support each other with 10 of the companies having the opportunity to give a short pitch relating to their business to the group with others having the opportunity for an exhibition stand.
“Speaking to delegates the event was well received with lots of energy in the room and positive connections being made.
“I would personally like to thank Wrexham councils business support team for arranging and a special thank you to Net World sports for kindly hosting at their premises.”
Among the attendees were delegates from Entyce Creative, Bangor University, Outwrite PR, Coleg Cambria, and The West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce.
About the Business Breakfasts
The bi-monthly business breakfasts take place in different venues of the Mersey Dee Alliance region and have the ultimate aim of improving business performance by providing business to business networking opportunities and information on regional and national initiatives.
If you’d like to become involved please contact business@wrexham.gov.uk.
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