Thanks to children and young people from across Wrexham a new garden has been opened at Wrexham’s Maelor Hospital.
They were all asked to give their views on the environment the Child and Adolescent Mental Service was based in with a large proportion of them agreeing that an accessible outdoor space would be perfect for relaxation, mindfulness, play and a calming place for appointments.
Using these views the members Senedd yr Ifanc and Wrexham Play Team planned out the area and the Play Team provided a play bin with resources which will be placed in the garden. Coleg Cambria students and staff landscaped the area, making it accessible, built a shelter and put new fencing up around the garden area and the appointment rooms, the Hospital Estates team supported with the management of the ground work.
“This Garden was inspired by Young People from the Senedd yr Ifanc”
The National trust supported by making the space more mindful, helping plant bulbs and flowers. They also crafted some seating out of fallen trees in Chirk Castle and one of their volunteers carved out the words ‘This Garden was inspired by Young People from the Senedd yr Ifanc’ which were then placed for everyone to use under the shelter.
Scarlett Williams, one of the members of the Senedd yr Ifanc involved with the project said, “Following lots of hard work by staff and partners, it is a joy that this garden, designed by and for young people in Wrexham, has been completed. A big thank you to everyone who has helped with this project, which will no doubt help many young people.”
Following the official opening everyone enjoyed hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows and took part in lots of activities including painting positivity rocks, building butterfly and bird boxes, nature weaving and Wrexham Play Team provided a play and den building session.
All the crafts that were made were placed around the garden along with garden ornaments and insects houses for everyone to enjoy into the future.
Cllr Rob Walsh, Lead Member for Children’s Services, said, “This is an excellent example of young people being listened to and partners responding in a way that has resulted in an improved environment for those children and young people who use this important service.
“I would like to thank everyone involved in the completion of this project which will help and support many young people here in Wrexham.”
The garden was officially opened by Marilyn Wells Head of Nursing, East Area for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Neuro-developmental and Learning.
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