Visitors to the Household Waste Recycling Centres are reminded that only one person is allowed to leave a vehicle at our sites following a number of instances where multiple people have left a vehicle to recycle waste.
Since our recycling centres have reopened, we’ve had to implement some very strict rules and this is one of them that must be followed to keep everyone safe.
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Upon arrival at our sites, staff are reminding visitors of this, but some still refuse to abide by the rule and on a couple of occasions have been abusive towards our staff.
Anyone found to be abusive towards our staff will be banned from our recycling centres and may be reported to the police.
We take a zero tolerance stance to abuse of staff at our recycling centres who wear body cameras which help us report any individuals abusing staff to the police.
“Please follow the rules, we don’t want to close our sites again”
Cllr David A Bithell, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “The one-person rule was an important part of allowing us to reopen our recycling centres safely, so it’s disappointing that some people have been deliberately flouting this rule and abusing staff.
“Please respect our staff at all times at the recycling centres. Verbal and physical abuse towards our staff is completely unacceptable and anyone who does this will be banned and could be reported to the police.
“Our message is clear: ‘Please follow the rules, we don’t want to close our sites again’. The rules are there for everyone’s safety. We all remember what it was like when we had to close the recycling centres previously, so let’s all follow the rules and stay safe and keep our sites open.
“I must say though that the vast majority are following the rules and staying safe at the sites and we thank them for doing so.”