Door Security firms in Wrexham have contributed to the production of a Vulnerability Code. The code is designed to assist door staff in responding effectively and promptly with incidents involving vulnerable individuals.
A pocked sized version of this code has been provided to all door staff.
Supporting people on a night out
Cllr Hugh Jones, Lead Member for Communities, Partnerships, Public Protection and Community Safety said, “It is fantastic that our door supervisors are working closely with the Council as well as North Wales Police Crime Prevention Initiative to ensure that people on a night out in Wrexham are kept safe.
“The training will help door staff to recognise and support people who become vulnerable on a night out and will in turn ensure that everyone who enjoys having a night out in Wrexham has a safe night out.”
The training included raising awareness of how to help visitors to Wrexham’s night time economy who may be vulnerable due to a variety of reasons such as drinking too much alcohol, losing their friends or being underage. The training also covered being aware of the potential for sexual predators and child sexual exploitation.
Recognising signs of vulnerability
Ann Williams, North Wales Police Eastern Licensing Officer said “The code, along with the training will help support door staff to recognise signs of vulnerability and ensure persons remain safe during their night out in Wrexham”
The training was part of Wrexham Council and North Wales Police crime prevention initiative “Drink Less, Enjoy More”, which is aimed at encouraging people to have a fun and safe night out by raising awareness that people are more vulnerable when they have drunk too much alcohol and are at an increased risk of a sexual or violent assault.
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