Latest Biz & education news
Fancy a trip to Wonderland? Find out how here…
Dare you venture down the rabbit hole? We hope you will dare!…
How you can learn a language absolutely free
Learning new languages is something most of us have all been keen…
Reminder about school transport
Did you know that we are responsible for transporting around 2,000 pupils…
Interested in Wrexham’s history? Take a look at this…
As anyone who has traveled around the County Borough will know, Wrexham…
A festival of film comes to Wrexham…
If you're a fan of thought provoking, inspiring and original filmmaking, then…
Looking for a great night out this September? How about this…
We are proud to announce the first comedy night to take place…
Wrexham’s secondary school pupils are celebrating their GCSE results
GCSE students across Wrexham will be celebrating today following their achievements in…
Your one stop shop if you are under 25…
What is the Info Shop? Your one stop shop if you are…
Our rich heritage – a snapshot!
Have you been looking around Wrexham for a prize winning shot in…
Good news as A* and A grades go up at A Level
Wrexham pupils are celebrating today, with the announcement of their A Level…