Having a period whilst in school can be difficult, often embarrassing for pupils who may not have access to adequate sanitary wear and it may mean that some young female pupils actually miss school.
We’re trying to find out the extent of the issues faced – are sanitary products available in school and if so how do you get hold of them, does your school provide sanitary wear for free, have you ever missed school because of your period?
These are all important questions and so far almost 300 have told us of their experience in our secondary schools but we’d like a lot more to take part.
Please take the time to let us know and encourage your daughters or female relatives who attend our secondary schools to take part. The survey is quick to complete and will helps us find out the extent of any problems that may be encountered and how we can help to make things better.
The results of the survey will be reported to one of our Scrutiny Committees in the autumn and it will be a public report.