We’re running a questionnaire in order to understand the experiences of local Cymraeg speakers when accessing council services in Cymraeg, as well as looking into how the language is used on a daily basis.
We want to gather information and views from Cymraeg learners and pupils in our Ysgolion Cymraeg (Welsh schools) to get a broader picture of how the language is being used in Wrecsam. We will run this questionnaire again in 2026 to compare the findings.
“Cymraeg is for everyone so if you know a few words in Cymraeg or use Cymraeg all the time your feedback will be extremely useful.”
Cllr Hugh Jones, Welsh Language Champion at Wrexham Council said “The questionnaire is now live and will run until the 30th April. “I encourage both Welsh Speakers and Welsh Learners to participate. “Public participation will help us know what we are getting right as well as highlight areas for improvement.”