We want to find out how much Cymraeg is spoken in Wrexham.
We also want to understand the experiences of local Welsh speakers when accessing council services in Welsh and how the Welsh language is used on a daily basis.
We are aiming to gather information and views from Non-Welsh Speakers, new Welsh Speakers and pupils in our Welsh schools to get a broader picture of how the language is being used in Wrexham.
This survey will be run again in 2025 and 2026 to compare the findings.
Also, we’d like your views and suggestions on what you would like to see at the National Eisteddfod when it visits Wrecsam in 2025, and what your experiences of previous Eisteddfod’s were.
Cllr Hugh Jones, Welsh Language champion at Wrexham Council said: “Filling in the details should take about 5-10 minutes of your time, but your input will be invaluable in getting a picture of our use of Cymraeg in Wrecsam.”
You can access the survey here