The First Minister in one of his Covid-19 public briefings last week stated clearly that the situation here in Wales had “deteoriated even further”. That’s a very serious statement about a very serious situation and one we should all take notice of as we head towards Christmas and the New Year.
None of us want to be responsible for spreading the virus but there is one single thing we can all do to help the situation and that’s to pay close attention to the Test, Trace, Protect (TTP) system that’s operating in Wales.
It’s been in place since May and has been very successful in testing and tracing those people who have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19.
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The Welsh Government has published some very useful advice about the TTP process which you can look at here but the key points are:
- identifying those who have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, enabling them to be tested while isolating from wider family, friends and their community
- tracing those individuals who have been in close contact with the person who has tested positive on any occasion during a period beginning up to two days before they started experiencing symptoms, and requiring them to take precautions and self-isolate (for 10 days)
- providing advice and guidance, particularly where the individual who has tested positive or their contacts are vulnerable or at greater risk. This will include getting tested if you have symptoms and self-isolating for 10 days. Even if you get a test and you test negative as the virus can take several days to develop.
It is vitally important that you get a test if you have symptoms, however mild, provide accurate contact details of those you have had close with and self isolate when advised to do so.
For anyone who will suffer financially such as being unable to go to work because they’re advised to self-isolate there is help available. You can find out about this here:
Cllr Hugh Jones, Lead Member for Communities, Partnerships, Public Protection and Community Safety, said: “The situation across Wales and here in Wrexham is serious. There is every likelihood that the new year will see more severe restrictions and now is the time we should be making sure that we do everything we can to minimise those restrictions. Test Trace and Protect is helping to keep us safe from the virus but we must follow all the advice that’s given if it is to be successful. Please do everything you can to keep Wrexham safe.”
Wrexham Town Inspector, Vic Powell, said: “As a community it’s our role to keep people safe but there’s also a responsibility that each and every one of us has to each other, our families and our communities and that’s to be aware of what we need to do, when we need to do it and how to get help if that means we cannot work. We cannot police an invisible virus but we can explain, encourage and where necessary take enforcement action against anyone not following the guidelines. Please help us to keep everyone safe and pay attention and act on all the advice that’s given”
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