From today (August 28) you can pay online to have your green garden waste bin emptied.
If you wish to continue having your garden waste bin(s) collected you can pay online at
Payment can also be made by calling 01978 298989.
As we were in lockdown it was decided that we would continue to empty all garden waste bins from April as the Household Recycling Centres had to close due to the restrictions about non-essential travel, but the paid for collections now start on Monday, August 31.
The charge is the same as before – £25 per green garden waste bin per-year. Anyone who has not signed up by August 31 will no longer have their garden waste bin(s) emptied.
If you’ve already paid, you don’t need to do anything
If you already paid for the garden waste service earlier in the year you don’t need to do anything…you will receive a full 12 months service until August 31, 2021.
Darren Williams, Chief Officer Environment and Technical, said: “We’ve managed to keep the charge as low as possible, £25 per garden waste bin per year, which is less than many other authorities in England and Wales. If you paid for the service earlier in the year you will automatically receive a full 12-months service from the new start date.”
Sign up to pay for your green bin to be emptied.