From the 28th March – 2nd April is Autism Acceptance Week, and this year marks the 60th anniversary.
During the week, we will be highlighting some of the fantastic projects that Wrexham Council supports as well as the training that is available in Wrexham to help create a society that works for autistic people.
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Wrexham Council works closely with partners and organisations across the county borough to raise awareness of the challenges that people with autism face on a daily basis as well as continually looking at ways to improve services for people with autism and their families.
There is also a free, online autism awareness training course, which is available to local businesses, and individuals. It’s hoped that more people will complete the training and create more facilities that are accessible to people living with autism and their families in Wrexham.
Alwyn Jones, Chief Officer for Social Care at Wrexham County Borough Council said, “We’ve been working alongside members of the local business community, parents, carers and people on the autistic spectrum to develop autism awareness communities all over the county, allowing people living with autism and their families to access and enjoy services and facilities that we all take for granted.
“It’s great that I can say all of our libraries have completed training and are Autism Aware and we have recently made the training mandatory for all council staff. It makes a huge difference to people living with autism and their families, and we are looking forward to more local businesses and organisations coming forward to complete the training and become Autism Aware.”
Autism awareness training
The Autism Aware Certification scheme is aimed at everyone who wishes to gain a greater awareness and understanding of autism. After completing the training, you will receive a personalised certificate to download.
You can access the free, online autism awareness training here
Your Space
Your Space is a registered charity that works closely with Wrexham Council to provide support for young adults and children on the autism spectrum along with their families. You can find out more about YourSpace via their website (add link)
Your Space Arts Festival
Join us this Saturday, 2nd April, from 12pm – 4 pm for a fun event to celebrate the Your Space community on World Autism Day. The event, held at Yellow and Blue, will be hosted by Your Space.
The event will open with the launch of Your Space’s new album ‘Songs out of the ordinary’ and will also include music, art and photography displays and interactive workshops.
This is an inclusive event for all of the family. Ear protectors will be available to loan.
If you would like more information about the services and advice that is available across Wales please visit:
National Autistic Society website