Are you a private Landlord providing accommodation in the Wrexham Borough?
We would like to invite you to our upcoming Landlords Forum where you can get valuable advice and support on a range of topics.
We have speakers giving advice and guidance on:
- Changes to the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards for the private rental sector.
- Grants and funding available to improve the energy efficiency of your rental property.
- North Wales Fire and Rescue Service on changes to Fire detection standards in rental properties.
- Department of Work and Pensions on Universal Credit.
- Warm Wales on how they work with Landlords and Tenants to provide access to grants and funding in addition to signposting to support for those with physical and mental health related requirements.Interested ?
Then join us at the Catrin Finch Centre, Glyndwr University, Mold Road, Wrexham. LL11 2AW on Wednesday, February 26.
The event is free to attend and will run from 17:30 to 19:30, refreshments are provided.
Please email to register your attendance
Sign up to pay for your green bin to be emptied.