Latest Council services news
Fancy being self-employed? Here is your chance!
Are looking for flexible hours around your own work/life balance and/or any…
Come and see if sheltered housing could be the next right move for you…
Are you or someone you know of retirement age? Do you like…
Star-Studded line up announced for Wrexham’s Carnival of Words
The 2018 programme for Wrexham’s Carnival of Words has been announced and…
Don’t Forget! Winter doesn’t end until March
In October we let you know how we were preparing for the…
Town Centre Set for Revamp
Plans for improvements to the town centre have been unveiled and welcomed…
Town centre footfall increase “cause for optimism”
Footfall in Wrexham town centre increased by more than half in early…
Budding writer? Aged 11-25?
This article is written as part of a series of posts about…
Audit Committee to meet today (22 Feb)
Our Audit Committee takes place today (22 February) and members will consider…
Wrexham pubs support ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign
Bars across Wrexham are supporting the Ask for Angela campaign, which encourages…
Can you help with our telecare equipment?
Our Telcare Team are asking anyone who has been supplied with their…