Emergency relief funding of £400,000 is now available to not for profit community sports clubs in Wales to help them stay sustainable and an important part of our communities during the current Coronavirus Covid19 situation.
Sports clubs can apply for a maximum of £5,000.
The application process is administered by Sport Wales and you can apply online here https://www.sport.wales/content-vault/emergency-relief-fund/
The funding has been made available by the Welsh Government and Sport Wales
Chief Executive, Ian Bancroft and Leader of the Council, Cllr Mark Pritchard agreed the relief funding was vital for sports clubs to remain an important part of our communities: “This relief will be of huge benefit to our sports clubs who operate on a not for profit basis and who bring huge benefits to people of all ages in our communities. We would like to thank the Welsh Government and Sport Wales for their support and encourage as many clubs as possible in Wrexham to apply.”
Who’s eligible to apply for the Community Sports Clubs Emergency Relief Fund?
You will be eligible if you are a voluntary sports club with the following criteria
The main purposes of the club are to provide facilities for and to promote participation in the amateur sport(s) in Wales
Membership of the club is open to anyone interested in the sport on application, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs, except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of the sport.
Any surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club. No surpluses or assets are to be distributed to members or third parties.
If the club ceases any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered sports club, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body for use by them in related community sports.
Sport Wales are committed to making decisions as soon as possible and will keep applicants up to date on their website https://www.sport.wales/ and payment will be made to eligible clubs as soon as they can be processed.
Read the most up-to-date information about Covid-19.