We’re sharing some good news with you today as we announce that we have successfully secured funding of almost £750,000 from the Welsh Government for improvement schemes to travel and road safety projects over the next 12 months.
Over £200,000 will go towards developing more walking and cycling routes across the county borough known as Active Travel Routes. A further £243,500 will be spent on Wrexham bus station to improve the area for visitors to and from Wrexham town centre.
Projects to improve road safety in and around schools and other road safety schemes have also been given the green light and over £158,000 will be spent on 20 mph routes at St Peter’s school in Rossett and the Cefn Mawr area.
Other road safety schemes include improving the Junction in Penley, the Pass Plus Cymru scheme, child pedestrian training, older driver development scheme, bike safe and national standards cycle training have also received funding.
Cllr David A Bithell, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “This is very good news and I would like to thank everyone involved in securing this funding to make road safety and travel improvements across the Wrexham area.”
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