Being able to get online quickly is standard for most of us but for some parts of Wrexham residents and businesses really struggle with their digital connectivity.
It may be issues with broadband, mobile 4G speeds or Ultrafast broadband speeds. Or it may even be a problem with an internet provider.
It could be that the current lock-down has only just made some realise that they are having connectivity issues as a large proportion of people are now working, learning or doing more gaming from home.
If you are experiencing problems with connectivity our Digital Officer would like to hear from you. He’s currently finding out where in Wrexham there are problems and what help could be provided to improve things. That won’t happen overnight but it could start the ball rolling such as liaising about integrating new technologies or accessing funding to allow providers to upgrade.
“Certain areas where digital connectivity is a problem”
Cllr Terry Evans, Lead Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, said: “If you are having problems please get in touch. We are aware of certain areas where digital connectivity is a problem such as in the Ceiriog Valley but we’re sure there are more out there. We can’t guarantee to improve the situation but being aware of where all the problems are is a start and allows our officer to begin working with providers.”
If you are having problems please log them on Facebook here: Wrexham Digital-Connectivity or if you can’t do that please phone 01978 667000 or 07880 463348.
Read the most up-to-date information about Covid-19.