Have your finances taken a battering this Christmas?
If so why not find out more about dealing with your finances in a more personal way at Cambrian Credit Union (trading as Cambrian Savings and Loans) – they can help with regular savings and provide access to affordable loans.
Not only that but they’re entirely run by and for their members, meaning you get a say on matters by voting at their Annual General Meeting. Although they are similar to a bank and financially regulated by the same people as banks, their ethos is very different – they care about you and concentrate on creating real value for its members – unlike other financial organisations who concentrate on making a profit.
They don’t charge if a loan is repaid early and loan decisions are made by their staff who get to know you and take into account your own personal circumstances, instead of relying on an automated decision.
So if you’re looking to manage your finances better in 2018 why not pop into to see the staff at the Credit Union at 51 King Street, LL11 1LA or call 03332000601 or take a peek on their website www.cambriancu.com.
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