The Public Services Board (PSB) has published its first annual report which takes a look at what they’ve been doing over the past year to improve the health and well-being opportunities across Wrexham.
The report highlights that during their first year they have set up three new programme boards that are concentrating on children and young people getting a healthy start in life, all people having the opportunity to learn and develop throughout their lives who can then contribute to a healthier Wales across North East Wales.
It also acknowledges the challenges of funneling the work of such a large and diverse partnership into one goal – the “Wrexham We Want”.
These boards have the people with the skills and enthusiasm to get involved and they are trying out different ways to deliver the other priorities that, following consultation, you said were important.
Over the next few weeks we’ll be writing articles for you to show what the programme boards have done to move their work forward.
Ian Bancroft, Chief Executive, said: “The report gives an overview of the work of the PSB over the last 12 months and how it’s working to make things better for everyone in Wrexham and across North East Wales.
“It’s been a challenging process but very worthwhile and the partners will all continue to work together and overcome any organisational difficulties to bring you the Wrexham You Want. I look forward to sharing with you more articles in the coming weeks which will concentrate the specific work we have undertaken.”
Deputy Chair of the Board, Cllr Hugh Jones, said: “Following a large scale consultation in 2017 we produced our five year plan which aims to improve the well-being of everyone here in Wrexham. The PSB brings together organisations that can make a difference and over the next few years we will do everything we can to do just that.”
The PSB is a partnership of organisations within Wrexham who work together to improve the economic, environmental and cultural well-being of the county borough.
To do this the PSB contributes to seven national well-being goals, as per the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act:
- A prosperous Wales
- A resilient Wales
- A healthier Wales
- A more equal Wales
- A Wales of cohesive communities
- A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
- A globally responsible Wales
It’s written with communities at heart and they use five key things factors in their work:
“involvement, collaboration, long term, integration and prevention” – they’re at the heart of everything they do.
You can read more about the PSB here.
Or you can take a look at the report here.
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