- Put your recycling out on your normal collection day (including food waste).
- If it hasn’t been collected by the end of the day, take it back in.
- If you can, please take some of your recycling to our Household Recycling Centres.
- Don’t put your black bin out.
- Don’t put your green bin out.
Following last week’s work where we collected more than three times the usual waste, we were able to arrange further clean up collections on both Saturday and Sunday, and yesterday the final few streets received a black bin collection with the vehicles out until 7pm last night.
This week again, as a result of the industrial action, we’ve had a severely reduced workforce and we are prioritising food waste and recycling collections.
Every effort has been made to pick up as much recycling and food waste as possible, but we haven’t been able to collect every planned collection for Monday.
If we haven’t been able to collect your recycling by the end of the day, please take it back in.
We will be reviewing our stance daily based on the workforce we have available and we will continue to send regular updates. If you can, please take some of your recycling to our Household Recycling Centres.

Storm Agnes
Along with the industrial action, there is a storm forecast for the middle of this week which may result in changes to the way we utilise the staff who are in.
Depending on what response is required to react to the storm, collections may be affected.
During the forecast of heavy rain and wind we ask that any containers left out for collection are covered and carefully secured to avoid a proliferation of blown litter.
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