Play Day 2020 was a very different day in Wrexham this year – but it worked and thanks to your support the many videos and posts that were put out reached a massive 4 million people 🙂
We’d like to offer our thanks to everyone who made a film, or even just shared a film on social media. We know that many of you were unable to be as active as you would have liked due to shielding and furlough, but hope you still manged to watch at home.
No matter how mild your symptoms are, you should get a test for Coronavirus
On the day:
- 51 films were uploaded onto YouTube and our social media channels
- 843 views of the films on YouTube (this doesn’t include the number of views on Facebook and Twitter directly) (06.08.20)
- 1670 clicks onto the content
- 4m reach
Many of you supported our Play Team, us as you do every year, and embraced a new way of doing things, we can’t thank you enough (there are too many of you to thank individually) as we know you share our vision to do something nice for the children of Wrexham as we support their right to play.
“Fantastic support once again for Play Day”
Cllr Andrew Atkinson, Lead Member for Children’s Services, said: “It was a brilliant event once again and staff deserve the credit for all the work they put in to make out our young people didn’t miss out on any of the fun this year. I had hoped to stay dry this year with it being a virtual event – but this wasn’t to be the case as my own children were determined I wouldn’t miss out. Thanks everyone for your fantastic support once again for Play Day ”
This year we welcomed new people to our Playday team, the Co-op publicised the “make a noise” in its six Wrexham stores and Beth and Craig in the council’s communications department worked tirelessly to get all the clips ready and put the clips out throughout the day.
Wrexham Family Information Service, who usually run the information point, were able to be playful this year and made their own Rock snake. People who would normally visit to show their support took a more active approach and stories and speeches were made by the Mayor Rob Walsh (who both wrote his own story and played the drums), Cllr John Pritchard (Lead member for People, Youth Services and Anti Poverty) Cllr Andrew Atkinson (Lead Member for Children’s Services), Donna Dickenson (Head of Prevention and Inclusion) and Craig Mathews (Community and Restorative Lead).
We also shared a number of films with both Cardiff and Conwy Councils and it was the first time our Playdays have been linked. The Youth Work in Education Team, who are usually off in the summer produced their own version of Old Mc Donald, using real animals and proves just how playful they really are. We also would like to thank all the children and family members who either got in front or behind the cameras in order to make the films, it was great so many of you got involved.
Hopefully next year we will be back to the usual town centre mayhem on Wednesday, August 4, and not worrying about subtitles or transferring film clips. This year was a learning curve everyone and now we’ll always have our film clips to remind us of how well everyone did – and they will be staying on the council YouTube so we can all still access them.
Staff can now take a well earned break and they’re very grateful that, for this year at least, there were no soggy cardboard, pallets and sand to put away.
If you missed any of it you can catch up on Youtube 🙂