One year ago today the world was shocked when Ukraine was invaded by Russian forces following weeks of speculation.
Many Ukranians have died and many more displaced or have fled as refugees across Europe. Those that stayed now bravely continue to fight for their country.
Here in Wrexham we are privileged to now be sanctuary to many of those refugees and we continue to seek accommodation for more to find refuge here.
We’ve also been actively engaged with welcoming many Ukrainians and their hosts with regular drop in sessions and multi agency awareness raising events, signposting guests to employment and education opportunities.
“Our support for Ukraine is unwavering”
Cllr Mark Pritchard, Leader of the Council, said, “Our support for Ukraine is unwavering. It’s been a very difficult year for many but to see Ukrainians being welcomed here has been very heartwarming.
“We will continue to offer all the help, advice and support we can to anyone seeking refuge here.”
Cllr Paul Roberts, Lead Member for Partnerships and Community Safety, said, “People in Wrexham have once again opened their arms and homes to those who have fled their home country, often leaving loved ones behind to fight.
“Their country’s fight continues and I very much hope the next anniversary will see peace having been restored and rebuilding started.”