WATCH: A special St David’s Day message for the men and women serving in our armed forces and civil service
Wales’s highest ranking RAF officer, Air Officer Wales, Air Commodore Dai Williams, has recorded a special St David’s Day message here in Wales’s newest city.
Unpaid carers invited to the opening of new carers centre in Wrexham
NEWCIS, who provide all adult unpaid carers services on behalf of Wrexham Council, are opening a new carers centre in Wrexham and will be hosting an open day on Monday,…
St David’s Day Celebrations – It’s going to be a busy day in the city centre tomorrow!
It's going to be a busy day in the city centre tomorrow as we gear up for the annual St David's Day Parade. This year there will be entertainment from…
We continue to stand with Ukraine on this first anniversary of the invasion
One year ago today the world was shocked when Ukraine was invaded by Russian forces following weeks of speculation. Many Ukrainians have died and many more displaced or have fled…
Inspire Youth Work in Hospital recognised at Wales Excellence Awards
The Inspire Youth Work in Hospital project has been awarded the prestigious Demonstrating Excellence in Partnership Planning and Delivery at a regional/national level at the recent Youth Work in Wales…
Guildhall to be lit up Yellow and Blue to commemorate invasion of Ukraine
The Guildhall will be lit up tomorrow evening in yellow and blue to commemorate the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. We're also encouraging everyone to…
Achieving Carbon Zero Event – Over 50 Businesses attend the first meeting
Over 50 businesses attended the first meeting of the Achieving Carbon Zero Forum held at Redwither Tower recently. Presentations were given by Net Zero North Wales Network, Brother Industries, Bloci,…
B5605 Newbridge Road – Moves to appoint contractor
Work to repair the B5605 Newbridge Road has taken a step forward with the news that we are now inviting contractors to bid to undertake the work on eTender Wales.…
More than £5.4m for new Football Museum for Wales in Wrexham
More fantastic news for Wrexham city centre! A further £5.4m is being provided by Welsh Government for the development of the new Football Museum for Wales in Wrexham, the spiritual…
Mwy na £5.4m i’w ddarparu ar gyfer datblygu Amgueddfa Bêl-droed newydd i Gymru yn Wrecsam
Mwy o newyddion gwych i ganol dinas Wrecsam! Mae £5.4m pellach yn cael ei ddarparu gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer datblygu Amgueddfa Bêl-droed newydd i Gymru yn Wrecsam, cartref ysbrydol…