Latest Council services news
Childcare offer that may be available to you?
If you are a working parent and have a child or children…
It’s snow joke – the cost of winter weather
As we begin to enjoy the first signs of summer it's easy…
I don’t do that!
"I don't do that" is probably the answer you'd get if you…
Blue Planet II Affects Pupils in Wrexham
The shocking images of plastics damaging the world's oceans aired by the…
Heart attack survivor marshals race
A man who suffered a heart attack while taking part in a…
Old People’s Commissioner for Wales to visit Wrexham Library
On Wednesday 2nd May from 1-2pm, the Old People’s Commissioner for Wales…
Funding bid secures almost £750,000
We're sharing some good news with you today as we announce that…
Have your say on the future of housing in wrexham…
Access to good quality, safe, affordable housing is one of the most…
The history of North East Wales in 100 objects
A new exhibition which opens at Wrexham Museum on 21 April is…
What role does the voluntary sector play in an emergency? Read this…
When there's an emergency we all expect the police, fire and health…