We are seeking the views of interested parties regarding the proposal to reduce the Published Admission Number (PAN) at Acton Community Primary School, Barkers Lane Primary school and Wat’s Dyke primary school.
A consultation document will set out the information which consultees will need to consider to take part fully in the consultation process
The consultation period will commences on Sunday 2 December 2024 and ends on 24 January 2025.
You can take part here:
Proposal To Reduce The Published Admission Numbers At Barkers Lane School
Proposal To Reduce The Published Admission Numbers Acton Park Primary School
Proposal To Reduce The Published Admission Numbers At Wat’s Dyke School
Proposals for Ysgol Cae’r Gwenyn
Cllr Phil Wynn, Lead member for education said “We wish to seek the views of all those with an interest in the proposal.” It is important that all views can be taken into account before a decision is made.
You are welcome to ask any questions and let us have your views by emailing the allocated consultation email addresses.”
We are also seeking the views of interested parties regarding the proposal to change the status of Ysgol Cae’r Gwenyn from a mainstream nursery school to a primary special school and change the age range from 3-4 to 3-7. The consultation document sets out the information which consultees will need to consider to take part fully in the consultation process.
The consultation period also commences on 2 December 2024 and ends on 24 January 2025.
You are welcome to ask any questions and let us have your views by emailing