Wrexham Council is working on a long-term project to improve Mold Road and Regent Street.
Phase 1 is developing designs for Regent Street between Station Approach and Hill Street. These will make it easier for everyone to walk and cycle. They include:
- New continuous cycle tracks
- New pedestrian crossings
- New paving and more greenery
- A one-way section between King Street and Hill Street.
We would love to hear your comments on our draft designs.
Read about the proposals and have your say via our online survey.
The survey closes on August 4, 2023.
Public drop-in session
The project team will be on hand to explain the proposals and answer your questions:
Monday, July 17, School of Creative Arts, LL11 1PF, 2 – 7pm
Please walk or cycle if possible or use Island Green Pay and Display.